Also, Yugioh creates Promos that are actually very, VERY good, as opposed to this game, which releases Promos more for fun. You will never, EVER see a Pokemon card worth $150 in Pokemon, ever. However, in Yugioh, I find that cards are more based on playability, and this may or may not be because card shop owners and ebay sellers are more likelely to play the game and understand how good something is worth, and therefore the price is upped significantly. Gallade is worth the same as Ludicolo, Gardevoir Lv. Generally in Pokemon, playable cards are worth the same, or near it (on eBay, at least, when buying it in wholesale) as non-playable cards, if they have the same rarity (i.e.
I used to play it quite frequently 2 years ago, and then found it to be no longer fun.
I don't understand why Yugioh is such a great game, and more popular than Pokemon.